After Artificial Intelligence, St. Francis: Fadi Chehadé and the Spirit of Prayer and Devotion, Victorine-Franciscan Theology, 24 September, 2024.

Fr. Thomas Joseph White on Thomism and Victorine-Franciscan Theological Revival, Victorine-Franciscan Theology, 17 September, 2024.

Apologia Pro Fido: Rationalist Platonism in and for Herbert McCabe’s Proof of God, Eclectic Orthodoxy, 14 May, 2024.

Lent and the Sanctified Life, Firebrand, 28 February, 2023.

Review Of Martin Laird, An Ocean of Light: Contemplation, Transformation, and Liberation (New York: Oxford, 2019), in Eclectic Orthodoxy (16 January, 2023).

As a White Pastor, I Submitted to Black Leadership: Here’s how it changed me, Christianity Today, February 16, 2022.

Supremely Simple Trinity and Contemporary 'Natural Theology': Bonaventure Beyond Jenson and Plotinus, Pro Ecclesia (online Nov. 2022).

Review Of Jeremy D. Wilkins, Before Truth: Lonergan, Aquinas, and the Problem of Wisdom (CUA, 2018) in Wesleyan Theological Journal vol. 55 no. 1 (Spring 2021).

Reduction to the Triune LORD in the Phenomenology of Jean-Louis Chrétien: A Bonaventurean Appearance After Husserl, Modern Theology 35:2 (April 2019).

Review Of Thomas Joseph White, OP, The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology (CUA, 2017) in Wesleyan Theological Journal 54:1 (Spring 2019).

Transfiguring Doubt: A Retrieval from Augustine's Meta-Apologetic in De Trinitate, Pro Ecclesia 27, no. 2 (Spring 2018): 129-156.

Christ the Lightgiver in Converge Bible Studies, Abingdon Press, 2015.

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