Boyd Taylor Coolman on the Victorine-Franciscan Theological Stream

Is Victorine-Franciscan theology even a sensible thing to say? What do the Franciscans have to do with the Victorines? Questions like these may reasonably be elicited by the title Victorine-Franciscan Theology.

This conversation with Boyd Taylor Coolman puts the key pieces in place for seeing the connection and deep continuity between Victorine and Early Franciscan theology, and even wonderfully traces out important trajectories in Franciscan theology’s development into Scotus and Scotism. Coolman was my dissertation director at Boston College, and he’s an excellent theologian and teacher — as is also clear from this video. Three cheers for interviewer Max Montana and his channel Philosophy for Theology for interviewing an important scholar on topics and figures which are, for all their massive significance in the history of the Church and continued spiritual and theological life and relevance today, yet woefully underappreciated.
